Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Path to Better Sleep!

    2. Sleep Class Workbook

    3. Confident Parenting Update!

    4. How Are You/Your Partner Feeling?

    5. Preparing for Sleep Learning

    1. How the Timing of Sleep Can Make it or Break It

    2. Understanding Wake Windows

    3. Keeping an Eye on the Clock

    4. Daycare Tips

    5. Before You Dive into a Sleep Learning Method

    6. Waking on the Kitchen Floor

    1. Sleep Learning Methods

    2. Consistency and Your Little Scientist

    3. Crying: What It Is and Isn't Plus How to Cope

    4. Even More Thoughts on Crying

    1. Frequently Asked Questions

    2. More FAQ's

    3. Final FAQ's & Parting Thoughts

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


Erica Desper

Erica Desper is a formerly sleep deprived Mom and certified sleep and potty-training consultant as well as the Founder of Confident Parenting, a village of resources for growing families. Confident Parenting was born in 2011 from her own difficult experience solving sleep struggles with her son. She and her team have since supported the parents of over 1,600 children to reduce stress and find joy in their day to day. Confident Parenting has been named "Best Sleep Consultants" and "Family Favorite Sleep Consultants" by the Main Line Parent, Philadelphia Family and Bucks County parent communities 11 times and counting! Ready for award winning sleep support from the comfort of your couch?

Social proof: testimonials

“Hi! I just finished watching your online sleep class and wanted to say thank you. We were completely lost, getting inconsistent advice, stressed, overworked and afloat in a sea of other people's strong opinions without guidance we felt was reliable. The online course was perfect. You have such a calming presence. Thank you.”

Anna Hunt

“I met you in your class a few months ago. At that time, T. was about 9 months old and still waking 2-3 times a night. As two working professionals (each working about 60-80 hours/week), my husband and I realized that sleep became a necessity for us to be a happy and healthy family. We felt a little like we had failed and lot like we needed a solution among millions of internet articles about “how to sleep train”. I came to your class ready to pay any amount of money to “fix” the problem. Sharing your story was very powerful. It was great to hear an honest account of a clearly caring and smart mother who needed more information-and I am glad that you sought it out on behalf of us all! T. is about to turn one year old this month, and has been sleeping through the night for the past month. I feel that T. became happier. I mean… he was chronically sleep deprived! I know that we are not out of the woods, and may have some new sleep challenges ahead of us, but I am thankful for how far we have gotten today.”

Monique Gardner

“Thank you for such helpful advice to get B. sleeping in a little later in the morning!...Your help has been wonderful and I know we are all on the path to a better night's sleep. Thank you! I am already sharing your information with friends who are struggling with their kid's sleep issues!”

Sara Bajus

“Although we never met, I purchased your online class and learned how to put my twins to bed. My son would cry all night long and we had gotten to the point were he would sleep with us in bed nursing for most of the night. I watched and took notes and watched again and again. Within a week my son was sleeping on his own room. My daughter followed suit. She would wake several times a night to feed and now she only wakes once for a feed. They are 5 months old. They take 3 naps a day and sleep from 6:30 pm to 6 am. I wish I knew before what I know about sleep now. My first born was a terrible sleeper. And now I know why. Thank you so much. My husband and I were at our wits end. Now we have time in the evening again to reconnect before bedtime.”

Andrea Schork

Get Your Family on the Path to Better Sleep!